Leadership … Who’s Driving Your Business?

Brought to you by Altitude Business Development

When business performance needs to be improved it may well be wise to start the improvement process by first exploring the source of the leadership in that business. From my experience where a business is not performing the leadership direction is unclear and is not understood by the team.

Leadership is about painting a current picture of the future in the form of a vision. The common thing in all of the great leadership stories of the world is the ability to create vision and then be able to share that vision with the people. Leadership is a powerful and creative tool and when embraced by Business Owners, has immense impact on the success that can be obtained in that business.

Managers in corporations have been guided by this concept for some time and for ‘tomorrow’s leaders’ the following has been written.

“Every owner, every manager, to fulfil the role, must have a vision – a vision of where the organisation will be and what it will look like in the future.
They must create that vision and then share it with those reporting to them, if they are to gain a high level of employee involvement, commitment and attain a high level of productivity.”

So it is in business. To succeed, the Business Owner must paint the picture and be willing to share that vision with the team. It is from this beginning that so many success stories have evolved. It is in the absence of this beginning that so many businesses have failed.

Who is driving your business? It is in this area of business development that the small to medium size Business Owner will be challenged when the future direction becomes unclear because of rapid and continual changes occurring within the market place and the speed of the change generated by the technological age we live in. Excellence in the level of service demanded by the customer today increases as you meet the level of his expectations of yesterday. The need to continue to deliver to the market place, a product or service that is better today than it was yesterday, will challenge the vision that the leader will create and the team will receive. Low team moral, absenteeism and resignations are some signs that leadership has become engulfed and is in need of repair.

Increasingly Business Owners who seek the help necessary to refocus and to reignite their vision are more successful.

For further information call or email, info@altitudebusiness,
Brod-0407 487 423 or Leah-0427 554 430

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